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Orbital Arcade

Dialog Templates: Third time’s the charm!

The last two blogs have focused quite heavily on my implementation of Dialog Templates, and for good reason: We’re working with live data and need fast, relatively easy ways to put that data into a format that fits conversations with players. Generally speaking, a lot of what we say can …

Orbital Arcade

Dialog templates: Localize and customize your NPC dialog

Localization and customization is a big deal… Of all of the feedback I’ve received during GDC when talking about Interrogative, one of the most received was that of being able to localize the dialog generated. That’s a valid concern: Games these days launch in multiple countries at once, or with …

Orbital Arcade

Melting and congealing: My brain on GDC…

I’m Fried from GDC… GDC is always a good time, and it never fails to absolutely liquefy the wrinkly organ between my ears for at least a couple of days afterwards as my neurons rearrange themselves to integrate everything I’ve absorbed. Having Daylight Savings Time occur a day after I …

Orbital Arcade

Knowledge Levels: Let your information run deep…

In the previous blog, I discussed the progress I had made with Interrogative 3, and realized that up to now, I had not discussed something that is core to how NPCs communicate with players (or, eventually, each other): Knowledge Levels. It’s important to understand what this is to see that Interrogative …

Orbital Arcade

PAI – The case for Jekyll and Hyde

They, who are not what they seem… This week, I’m talking about personalities that are not what they seem, and Jekyll and Hyde is one of the best examples. A mild-mannered man (Dr Jekyll) drinks a potion that turns him into a sociopath known as Mr Hyde (read the plot …

Orbital Arcade

Interrogative 3.0 – Just the facts, and maybe a bit more…

On Data… Previously, I talked about some very generic things regarding Interrogative 3 that I wanted to accomplish. Specifically, I wanted to make the dialog more procedurally generated, and to be able to access data that could be updated or “live”. With the previous versions of Interrogative, the problem was …

Orbital Arcade

Interrogative 3.0: Why the Conversation Focus?

NPCs have to talk… Some time has passed since I first wrote Interrogative 2.0, and I’ve learned some things since then. The first is that people might be interested in such a thing as a product. The second is that it’s capable of so much more than what I had …

Orbital Arcade

Interrogative: The Need for Better Characters

A New Focus BablBrain represents a focus on AI, gameplay, and procedural content for online gaming. I’ll be doing a lot of blogging about the newest version of an AI technology I call Interrogative, as well as taking some tangents to talk about things like procedural content generation and some subjects …